Parts Work Therapy
The basic premise of parts work is that our conscious minds are made up of multiple sub-personalities or “parts”.
Parts-therapy/parts work therapy is based on the concept that our personality is composed of a number of various parts, or so-called subpersonalities, ego states, or integral self-states. Those parts vary considerably in extent and mainly the result of traumatic events of the past. As a result, and because our systems are so incredibly powerful and adaptive, each “part” develops its own perspectives, interests, memories, and viewpoints to protect the “self” in different ways. Over time, “parts” get layered and more complicated, especially if healthy coping skills have not been learned. When one protector after another is activated (and they start to conflict with each other), it takes over the system causing stagnation, dysregulation and/or dysfunctional behaviors.
One of the biggest reasons that we do not achieve our goals in life (or in therapy) is because we have unresolved conflicts between different parts of ourselves. This isn’t meant to minimize legitimate barriers such as poverty, illness, lack of social support, or currently living in an unsafe environment – all of which can interfere with healing. However, if you feel stuck or unable to reach your potential despite your hard work, then parts work therapy might provide valuable insight as the goal therapy is to find a solution that would allow all your parts to coexist in a peaceful and harmonious way.